Zephrofel South Africa Berber problem if it is great if it's not if you haven't seen a lot of changes I wouldn't I mean of course you want to get on that note there you have it thanks for watching guys stay tuned next week have a wonderful weekend see yaSelam aleykum today our lecture is how to diagnose of lignans I'm the terminal she assistant professor of obstetrics and gynaecology College of Medicine micron university let us start our lecture what is the learning objective of this lecture the ignores preakness from symptom and sign alkylate the gestational age and finally define important air related to business what is the important of the Agnes of Preakness the important of the problem is to avoid in commercial to teratogenic trucks and solve an abnormal situation and of abnormal pregnancy like having pregnancy that form all finally initial assessment our monitoring through renewal care how to diagnose the Technos are pregnant by three methods terraced by history then examination st. a laboratory test also the what is the duration of pigments human between 37 to 42 weeks and the duration of Preakness 208 days or four weeks it's a picture of home on tigress in the maturity of hos almond the diablos of bigness is usually straight roar pays it on the history and positive pregnant test woman with irregular periods are irregular pajama