slimymed you can show her or you can just show her show her the bananas because we've got banana all right yeah so these were waiting for the right time to freeze so that we can those down we have them on our working on our scrub board is that what that's from from board on our scrum board I to even say knock on wood that it's not bothering me currently I'm doing really well so I had a just happier I have more joy I have so much peace when I didn't have peace no is what the world is looking for they're totally looking for this and there is this that combination of handling suffering handling and accepting your situation and then getting in there and then focusing on what you need to do and we're gonna I'm gonna go back for my mail go back and grab talk about fasting but but let me segue at this point because that's exactly the the testimony of Laura and her accepting her situation so let's hear your testimony sweet thing oh you're so beautiful I have so much love for you and for this place cuz my life has been totally completely changed in every way and it is a very compassionate God to allow me to have any kind of testimony so