been like you know bulimia or ve still like get this under control with just the help of my family and those around me my friends my loved ones and that was like my first step so I remember I was still really obsessed with exercise new world it was so exciting I started reading simply tryna calm they all had tons of like free workout programs which I still do I always get questions of people asking like if I can't pay for a coach or if I can't buy this you know challenge or whatever like those are such good resources they have tons and tons of free programs on there that you could use with all the reps all the sets all the days right not for you all the exercises those are great and that's how I got into weightlifting I started watching YouTube videos of people who were lifting I was watching Nicki at that point I was like obsessed I was such a fangirl I still absolutely love her to death and it's like crazy to me that we're like friends now in real life I was so inspired by all these people and slowly I started to you know lower the amount of cardio that I was