Keto Advanced eating six seven meals a day it's eating once or twice a day and feeling optimal or going seven days without food and still functioning as a parent as you know running your business like traveling I've done that and it's amazing because I was told that you can't do that otherwise you'll lose all your muscle mass but for me I think it's worth experimenting with just for how your brain can improve there's a million ways to lose fat right and I think both you and I so I used to be about 60 pounds heavier I lost all that fat starvation right it was yeah total misery I hated every single minute of it but it worked the best thing it doesn't work but my thing is and I find this so interesting about keto I think you're right it's an end of one everybody needs to do self experimentation you've got to try it because it it's the one dietary thing I say changed my life completely from just being in a constant state of inflammation to then like that sense of your inflammation drops to essentially zero your relationship the hunger changes you know I agree