Granite Male Enhancement million 500 milligrams of trend they're on Decca throwing all this shit and then when they cut down a trend and winstrol at Hannah bar and all this stuff you can't polish shit into a diamond right and can't take a turn polish it have a diamond come off it'll simply melt cuz it's shit okay bodybuilding is extremely genetic remember Phil Heath when he did Junior Nationals rumor is he was on very very little Ronnie Coleman compete against Cormier flex mint and all those guys on nothing as a natural high green one the wbf world's at 18 years old as a natural athlete this is genetics I have no doubt in my mind if you guys have seen pictures of me from high school I was 285 pounds and I never had a big stomach I was just thick his fuck with two sees th ICC thick s fuck I have great genetics my brother who is a natural pro bodybuilder has great genetics we don't have Ronnie Coleman genetics we don't have to eat genetics but for two Jews were not better it's us and Bill Goldberg and my cat's back in the pumpkin Harry days so you guys who are not making games at the gym you're not growing you don't see muscular definition you don't see abs basically if you take steroids you're still gonna be a piece of shit you're just gonna be a bigger piece of shit and I'm not saying that to be mean I'm not saying that to be elitist I'm saying that to be honest see a lot
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