Keto VIP we get pita bread the short answer is we don't get pita bread it's this processed bread and that's not part of our diet so we corn tortillas is our kind of thing that we put stuff on so and I make my quinoa banana oatman's yeah but and but otherwise we don't we don't eat any flour or we don't need any bread that's part of chef AJ so far salt oil sugar flour alcohol-free right okay oh good job Angie webhead asked earlier how long did it take you to get the sad food out of your system as how she were two dead well you can get it out of your system the day that you stop eating it I think this is more of getting it out of your head it took me a half a year to where I kind of danced back and forth and then he did all the junk vegan stuff for a while but you know - no red meat - no red meat and no chicken - no red meat no chicken and