keto advanced his video and really that's it that's all you have to do do it for 30 days then reevaluate where you're at and what you're feeling like yeah I love it that's what that's such simple and sage advice I love it and you're now tell tell people where they can find you and you're doing some coaching now if I understand that correctly let's talk a little bit about if people want to find you after they watch this and yeah just tell us about that yeah meter act really I wasn't expecting to be you know a part of that but it has blown me of way it's of basically a platform that Shaun Baker has you know provided and it's a place where I thought oh well this is just information and everything and this is great have some stories but they have these online moving and they're called social online meetings and I started out just moderating some of those meetings thinking nothing really ovens and then whenever we really started having more people come in I realized that there was so many kind words out there that don't have any kind of support yes they feel so alone they feel like I'm the only person at you know the staff meeting sitting here eating my