better than the Granite Male Enhancement reality and the issue really seems to be sand that kind of gets in the way and interferes with the pleasure and enjoyment that people have when it comes to actually having sex on the beach so that's what I can tell you about that question 7 why are intercourse and this is a position known as the coital alignment technique or capped for short and basically it's a modified missionary position where the male partner leans further forward when he's on top of the female partner and the base of his penis comes into contact with the clitoris and basically instead of having a thrusting piston-like motion the partners will rock their bodies back and forth so it's this very coordinated sexual act that maintains a constant penile clitoral connection and as a result of providing that higher level of clitoral stimulation it results in greater odds of the orgasm and simultaneous orgasm so if you want to learn more about the coital alignment
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