Granite Male Enhancement five grams so we would go so far as to say that it is a clinically dosed moving right along we then get into AG Mirpur AG mattina sulphate the best agmatine sulfate we have seen thus far in a 1000 milligram dose or 1 gram dose agmatine sulfate is a nitric oxide booster it inhibits the enzyme that breaks down nitric oxide and by doing that you're going to have improved nitric oxide which similar tea is citrulline malate you're going to have increased nutrient delivery to work your muscles better muscle pumps and if your lean enough to get vascular you're going to get vascular clinical dose for AG Mateen sulphate 750 to 1500 milligrams we've got almost smack bang in the middle 1000 milligrams so we would go so far as to say it's perfectly dosed moving right along we then get into taurine in a 1000 milligram dose